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Company Formation

We provide incorporation and/or registration of companies, limited liability companies, trusts, partnerships and business name registrations in numerous jurisdictions with more being added on an ongoing basis. 

We assist our clients with respect to all aspects of Company Formation, Registered Office, Secretary, Tax Registration with the relevant authorities and the like but we also assist with ongoing compliance services.

The major steps in formation of a company are as follows:

Promotion Stage

Promotion is the first step in the formation of a company. In this phase, the idea of starting a business is converted into reality with the help of promoters of the business idea or concept.  Many entrepreneurs perform exercise such as a feasibility study in order to determine the economic, technical and legal aspect of executing the business.

Registration / Incorporation Stage

Registration stage is the second step of the formation process. In this stage, the selected legal structure gets registered, which brings the company into existence. A company is said to be in existence, if it is registered as per the relevant legislation of the jurisdiction of choice.  Alternatively, a company is properly constituted only when it is duly registered under the Act and a Certificate of Incorporation has been obtained from the Registrar of the jurisdiction selected.

Capital Subscription Stage

A private company or a public company not having share capital can commence business immediately on its incorporation.  However, the capital subscription stage and commencement of business stage are relevant only in the case of a public company having a share capital. Such a company has to pass through these additional two stages before it can commence business which includes an additional layer of compliance with prevailing laws and regulations surrounding with attracting funds from the general public.

Commencement of Business Stage

Once the certificate of incorporation is obtained, a private company can commence its business operations. A public company can start its business only after obtaining regulatory approval after a process that differs depending on the jurisdiction.

Business Advisory Services

For all clients, we offer the following services to our clients across all jurisdictions:

Tax Filing  

For the majority of jurisdictions across the globe, a tax filing must be lodged with the relevant authorities.  A tax return is a form or forms filed with a tax authority that reports income, expenses, and other pertinent tax information.  Tax returns allow taxpayers to calculate their tax liability, schedule tax payments, or request refunds for the overpayment of taxes.  In most countries, tax returns must be filed annually for an individual or business with reportable income, including wages, interest, dividends, capital gains, or other profits.  Our team assists all client with the appropriate tax filing wherever they decide to incorporate their business enterprise.

Economic Substance Return Filing

Another emerging trend in recent years is the requirement to file an Economic Substance Return (“ES Return”).  This is a process for entities that have filed the ES Notification and confirmed they are conducting relevant activity.  It provides the required information and appropriate supporting evidence to the relevant authorities of the respective jurisdictions.  Our team assists all clients with these filings which are annual in frequency.

Annual Return Filing

In some jurisdictions, a registered company is required to file an annual return every year with relevant authority.  This return contains the basic information related to company, its shareholders, directors and financial data of the entity.  Our team assists all clients with these filings to ensure compliance with the local regulations in the respective jurisdiction.

Business Advisory & Structuring – Commercial documentation; Power of Attorney, Trust Declaration

Our team prides itself in providing business advisory professional services for businesses of any size or stage of the business cycle. We provide commercial advice, legal document preparation, business planning, structuring, succession planning as well as financial reporting if required to do so.

Bookkeeping and Accounting

Bookkeeping involves the recording, on a regular basis, of a company’s financial transactions. As the requirements for financial reporting increase across the globe, companies must able to track all information on its books to make key operating, investing, and financing decisions as well as satisfy regulatory obligations.

The Accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to primarily regulatory agencies and relevant tax authorities.  Again, our team has a network of bookkeepers and accountants that can ensure compliance with financial reporting obligations across various jurisdictions.

Bank Account, PSP Account Opening Facilitation

Our team possesses a vast network of banking and financial service professionals that can be called upon to ensure the commencement of banking relationships for any client’s company in an ever-increasing competitive and regulated global economy.